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Interested in Becoming a b.stage Beta Tester? All of your questions are answered here!

What is b.stage?

b.stage is a full-scale all in one solution built for creators and iconic brands to create their own platform, build their fanbase and grow monetization through fan interactions, content creation, service management, smart data intelligence, merchandising, e-commerce, NFTs, ad services and beyond.

Who can apply to be a beta tester?

Anyone who is looking to unleash their fandom, build their own platform, and connect with fans in the best way possible! Creators and iconic brands, big and small, can apply to be a b.stage beta tester.

When does the application open?

The application process is open now through January 19th.

Where can I apply?

The b.stage beta tester application can be found here

When will the beta testers be chosen?

The chosen beta testers will be notified by the end of this month.

What comes with the beta testing?

Beta testers will be able to experience all b.stage functions as they are rolled out. They will also receive credit for a six months service fee, also known as our essential package, after the official service launch in 2022.

Can I communicate directly with fans on my platform?

Once the fans arrive, creators can interact through messaging and emojis using their direct line of communication. Fans will connect with the creators they love, and creators can give that love right back.

What are my options for monetizing through b.stage?

A creator’s content can now be turned into a lucrative business service model with b.stage. Whether it is a one-time payment, donation button, or designing a subscription model for a content series, creators have full control on how to best monetize their platforms. The monetizing solutions are embedded for a seamless setup. A bemyfriends experienced team member can assist with any and all transactions.

When does b.stage officially launch?

b.stage will officially launch in 2022! Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date on all bemyfriends news, launches and more.

We love sharing our stories with the world.

If you want to feature bemyfriends or hear about the future of the creator economy, get in touch.

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