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How to Become a Successful Content Creator

There was a time when becoming a creator and making a living off your passion was seen as roughly as realistic as becoming an astronaut. Needless to say, a lot has changed. In the decade or so since the so-called “creator economy” was born, the evolution of social media and Web 2.0 has opened up exciting ways for people to turn their passions into full-time careers.

Now, three times as many kids want to be YouTubers as astronauts. And in a world where the average person spends more than 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime but less than 13% are passionate about their job, the idea of making a living as a creator is becoming more viable and appealing than ever.

But if you’ve got a hobby or subject you’re passionate about and you’re interested in turning that passion into some extra income, where exactly should you start? To answer that question and a whole lot more, we put together this handy roundup of tips and insights on becoming a creator in 2022.


First, what are creators?

Creators come in all shapes and sizes, but by and large, they produce content that either informs or entertains a particular audience. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re one of the roughly 2.24 billion YouTube users, one billion Instagram users, or one billion Tik Tok users who consume such content every day. (*Additional sources: Social Media Statistics in 2023 by Threecolts

SignalFire estimates that right now, more than 50 million people consider themselves to be creators. Their work can be online or offline, and can include everything from videos, photos and podcasts to blogs, educational content, artwork, designs and more. We may follow them because they’re funny, because we’re mesmerized by what they do, or because they offer us something that we just can’t get anywhere else.

Creators find success by building trust and authority, and by consistently keeping their audience engaged. The higher the quality of their content and the more informed they are about their area of expertise, the easier it becomes to grow a loyal fan base.


What are the benefits of being a creator?

The beauty of being a creator is that anyone can do it, and they can do it on their terms.

There’s no age requirement to start creating content, and depending on what you’re making, it likely won’t cost you much to get started. (The smartphone in your pocket may be all you need.) This is important to note because it means most people can start creating with very low risk to their finances. It also gives them the freedom to start creating as a side project and scale from there once they find their audience.

Creators can work from anywhere at any time, which means they don’t need to work the traditional 9-to-5, and they don’t have to be tied to an office. All that being said, while creating content allows you to work on your terms, becoming a successful creator demands time and dedication, and requires you to be constantly looking for better ways to connect with your audience and tell your story.

How do creators make money?

As you build a following online, you may find yourself in a position to collaborate with brands who want to tap into your audience. This is just one of the many ways that creators are profiting from their reach. 

Sources of income for creators can include shares of advertising revenue, sponsored content, merchandise, donations/tips, memberships and more. The opportunities to monetize are endless, but at the end of the day, it all depends on your area of focus, the size of your audience, and how much engagement you can reliably produce.

All that investment in creators really adds up. In 2021, the creator economy received a record $1.3 billion in funding, leading to a market size of approximately $104 billion. And if the creator economy continues to follow a similar trajectory to the gig economy, research suggests a market size ranging anywhere from $1–4.5 trillion by 2023

Sources: Signal FireInfluencer Marketing HubCB Insights

Setting creators up for success

In an interview with the New York Times, Joshua Wanders, a YouTuber with more than 8.7 million subscribers, highlighted one of the biggest struggles for creators today.

“With the internet and YouTube, there’s always the concern of being demonetized and having your channel canceled,” he said. “So people are always looking for alternative ways to earn money. You never know where the platforms are going to take you at the end of the day.”

The struggle facing YouTubers like Joshua is an extension of a larger issue relating to creative ownership. Sure, you can create your own content and grow your following, but if you don’t own the platform that showcases your work, you’ll never truly own the audience you’ve worked so hard to build. 

bemyfriends created its bespoke platform builder, b.stage, to put that power back into creators’ hands. That not only includes creating new ways for them to monetize. It also includes offering insights into fans’ behaviors and journeys that make it easier to produce engaging content, as well as helping creators form more meaningful connections with their fans.

Absolutely anyone can use b.stage to build a completely unique platform that they own and where any content or data they create – including any insights they gain from their fans – are entirely theirs and directly downloadable. It’s free to get started, the options for customization are limitless, and it makes it easier to get on track toward a rewarding career as a creator.


Find your fans!

At the end of the day, becoming a creator is an investment in yourself. It’s your time, your energy, and your passion you’re showcasing.

If you have something you’d like to share and potentially turn into a full-time career, before you make that leap, make sure you’re equipped with the tools you need to maximize your potential. We’re all fans of something and we all have a story to tell. Now get out there and start sharing yours with the world!

We love sharing our stories with the world.

If you want to feature bemyfriends or hear about the future of the creator economy, get in touch.

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